So you have used CashFlowTool to predict and manage your future cash flow forecast. How do you fine tune the forecast? How do you create a few what if scenarios? It's easy...
CashFlowTool automatically predicts your company’s future cash flow when you connect to QuickBooks (Online or Desktop). It looks at the last 15 months of transactions and predicts your cash flow 6 months in the future. However, as a business owner, you know there are always variations that come up where you need to do some what-if scenario planning or adjustments to ensure the forecast is as accurate as possible.
What if you need to hire a new VP of Sales? How does that impact your future cash flow? Can you afford it and when can you afford it?
What if you need to upgrade your laptops or cell phones? How does that impact your future cash flow?
Or what if you are hoping to land a new contract, what will be the impact on your business? When will your realize the added contract in your cash flow? If the contact doesn't come in, can you easily remove the scenario?
The what-if scenario planning capability in CashFlowTool is a powerful feature that lets you see in real time, the impact of a variety of scenarios to your cash flow. Coupled with our interactive chart, you can immediately see the impact to any potential what if scenario you come up with. Check out our video below for a few popular scenarios and of course give your own scenarios a try as well. Use CashFlowTool to help build an accurate forecast of the future for your business so you can make more informed decisions today!
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