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Auto-generated balance sheets and income statement

Documents: Improved Financial Statements

 CashFlowTool has improved the financial documents saved into your document library each time you update your financials.  Now a single Excel worksheet is generated which includes your balance sheet and profit and loss statement (income statement) for the last 5 full quarters plus quarter to date.

Financial Documents

This replaces individual PDF files which were generated for each month resulting in a cluttered document library.  The improved Excel template:

  1. Creates a single document in your library when financials are updated automatically replacing the previous version.
  2. Includes both the balance sheet and profit and loss statement (income statement)
  3. Includes exactly 5 full quarters plus quarter to date.

Excel balance sheet




CashFlowTool is a product developed by Finagraph. We're a technology company that's passionate about helping small business owners, accountants, and lenders deeply understand the financial health of companies. Finagraph’s trusted technology helps power services provided by companies including Moody’s Analytics, Jack Henry & Associates and leading banks. Learn more

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